Kanku Sho Yoi. (1) Look left. Draw right foot back into left back stance (90 degrees to the left) with augmented block. (W) (2) Draw left back into right back stance (180 degrees behind) with augmented block. (E) (3) Draw right foot back into left back stance (90 degrees to the left) with augmented block. (N) (4) Step forward into right forward stance with mid-level front punch. (N) (5) Sharply twist and pull back on right fist. Step forward into left forward stance with mid-level front punch. (N) (6) Sharply twist and pull back on left fist. Step forward into right forward stance with mid-level front punch. Kiai!!! (N) (7) Slide left foot (pivoting on right) into left forward stance 180 degrees behind with quick left sweep block followed by right open hand circular block (ending with left hand on right wrist). (S) (8) Right front kick. (S) (9) Step forward with right (after kick) followed by left into right leg forward cross over leg stance with mid-level right backfist. (S) (10) Draw back left foot into right forward stance with right inside forearm block. (S) (11) Left mid-level reverse punch. (S) (12) Right mid-level front punch. (S) (13) Slide left foot (pivoting on right) into left back stance 180 degrees behind with left down block and right inside forearm block (simultaneously). (N) (14) Draw left foot back to right into feet together stance with left down block. (E) (15) Step forward into left forward stance with quick left sweep block followed by right open hand circular block (ending with left hand on right wrist). (N) (16) Right front kick. (N) (17) Step forward with right (after kick) followed by left into right leg forward cross over leg stance with mid-level right backfist. (N) (18) Draw back left foot into right forward stance with right inside forearm block. (N) (19) Left mid-level reverse punch. (N) (20) Right mid-level front punch. (N) (21) Slide left foot (pivoting on right) into left back stance 180 degrees behind with left down block and right inside forearm block (simultaneously). (S) (22) Draw left foot back to right into feet together stance with left down block. (W) (23) Look left. Step into left back stance 90 degrees to the left with left down block and right upper-level backfist to the rear (simultaneously). (E) (24) Slide both feet slightly forward and shift into horse stance with double punch to your left. (E) (25) Shift feet into right back stance 90 degrees to the right with right down block and left upper-level backfist to the rear. (W) (26) Slide both feet slightly forward and shift into horse stance with double punch to your right. (W) (27) Slide left foot halfway towards right and then right foot forward from left into right back stance with double open hand bo-jam block (left hand high, right hand low). (S) (28) Twist and bring left hand downward, while bringing right hand upward until both hands are mid-level (as if pointing a captured bo at your opponent). Slide both feet forward into modified forward stance and thrust both hands forward (as if spearing your opponent with a bo). This sequence is performed as one continuous movement. (S) (29) Pivoting on left foot, spin and jump 360 degrees behind into right back stance with knife block. (S) (30) Draw left up to right into feet together stance. Load up fists on right hip. Left side kick 90 degrees to the left. (E) (31) Land (after kick) in left forward stance with quick left sweep block followed by right cross elbow attack into open left hand. (E) (32) Draw right foot up to left and pivot feet and body 90 degrees to the right. Load up fists on right hip. Right side kick 90 degrees to the right. (W) (33) Land (after kick) in right forward stance with quick right sweep block followed by left cross elbow attack into open right hand. (W) (34) Step 90 degrees to the left (pivoting on right) into left forward stance with quick left sweep block followed by right open hand circular block (ending with left hand on right wrist). (S) (35) Right front kick. (S) (36) Step forward with right (after kick) followed by left into right leg forward cross over leg stance with mid-level right backfist. (S) (37) Draw back left foot into right forward stance with right inside forearm block. (S) (38) Left mid-level reverse punch. (S) (39) Right mid-level front punch. (S) (40) Slide left foot slightly to the right into leaning back stance with slow left high slap block to the rear. (N) (41) Pivoting on left foot, spin and jump 360 degrees behind while in mid-air right crescent kick open left hand. Land with right leg bent and supporting your weight, left leg stretched out behind, hands on floor. (S) (42) Jump up and switch feet positions into left back stance with double low knife strikes (left hand palm down, right hand palm up). (S) (43) Step forward into right back stance with knife block. (S) (44) Spin 90 degrees to the right (pivoting on right foot) into left forward stance with left inside forearm block. (W) (45) Step forward into right forward stance with mid-level front punch. (W) (46) Spin 180 degrees behind (pivoting on left foot) into right forward stance with right inside forearm block. (E) (47) Step forward into left forward stance with mid-level front punch.Kiai!! (E) Yame.